
Major update already pushed to store, should change your icon to violet and add lots of new features and ui changes before the end of march by the latest id guess.  Lots of bugfixes as well.  See the screenshots.

The following changes have now been pushed to the store and you should see them by the end of the first week of april.

*input your data on the Buttons screen. you'll see var_input =. which is assigned in Lua.

*Hitting a button clears lua's reversePrint and printArgs to give you a fresh output.

*Set lua's wl_bEnter to print(var_input)

*Added several more buttons (1,2,3,a,b,select,start,l,r,c) see example script that loads when the app loads.

*Now when you press "Enter" on buttons screen, the call to main is protected. This fixes a bug where incorrect lua code under wl_bEnter lua variable could cause an WristLua crash.

*Custom Input and Output colors and font style (bold, reg, light)

*Font Size and in/out colors and style are persistent, saved to folder /lua/settings/

*The search/replace screen now properly accesses code up to 200k characters. was 20k.

*Persistent: Sensor interval and GPS interval. for now, they are still toggled off at app start.

*added save indicators (! ?) on edit and search/replace screens.

*Set interval buttons on gps and sensor screens now have an indicator so you know you've pressed them.


*you can now do print("<color=#FF0000>Hello</color>") to print a red hello to output for instance.
*you can also do print("<font_size=20><color=#FF0000>Hello</font_size></color>

*various fixes: test compile now properly reloads lua environment on edit and search/replace pages after test.

*Fixed a bug where saved lua file had tizen escape sequences &lt; and &gt; if you tried to save < > symbols

*Go Line to jump to the line in the code of compiler error. only press after compiler gives error in format /filepath/name:lineNum:

*Fixed the smiley to cry if there are errors in lua main()

*added CLI screen with history

*X (execute code) NO LONGER reloads the lua environment afterward. this is so you can use the CLI.

*added reload lua button to main window

*Fixed the buttons window so if there's an error in the button code, it's reported correctly to the output on the button window or CLI respectively.

*added example lua code sensors.lua and rogue.lua in lua folder your changes overwritten on start of app. so if you save to them you'll lose your work.

*BUTTONS SCREEN uses Droid Sans Mono Slashed font (monospace) if available.  You can get it on your watch by installing the app Font Manager.  Once font manager is installed, the buttons screen will automatically use the monospace font.  This way, you can write a roguelike.

*Font selection screen for input/output. will make persistent tomorrow.

*You can now connect to your watch using rfcomm spp (e.g. the app BlueSPP on android store).  You can send commands up to 670 characters or so, and recieve output the same.  It's a LUA cli.  To reload lua from your phone, enter wl_reloadLua by itself.  If the command was successful, it gets added to your command history on the CLI page.

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